Dining with the Dogs – Buy Your Tickets

  Bio SoCal is an active supporter of the Ventura County Sheriff’s Foundation, an organization formed to help enhance the services provided by the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office. Funds raised are used to supplement training, community engagement and...

Surviving Suicide Loss

In our line of work, we are called in to help families confronted with the daunting task of cleaning up after a suicide, murder or traumatic accident. Restoring a home to its state before a trauma is only one step in a long and difficult journey for surviving loved...

A Deadly Hoarding Case in San Francisco

On April 5, 2015, it was reported that a mummified body of a 90-year old woman was found in a home, and it is believed she died 5 years ago. The San Francisco home was full of detritus, from top to bottom, including over 300 bottles of urine, animal remains and feces...

Hoarding is more common than you think

According to the American Psychiatric Association, hoarding disorder is when a person obsessively collects and keeps an enormous amount of items that most people would consider worthless or trash. It affects an estimated 2% – 5% of the population, and may be...
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