Blowflies Help Determine Time of Death

Blowflies Help Determine Time of Death

When a body is discovered more than 72 hours after death, details normally examined to establish the time of death such as body temperature, skin color, and degree of muscle rigidity, have all plateaued. Blowflies, however, lay eggs within minutes of someone dying and...
What are the Stages of Human Decomposition?

What are the Stages of Human Decomposition?

Open almost any news site and you can read of a body being found. How long that person has been dead and how they died is determined under careful scrutiny by a forensic team trained in the various stages of human decomposition. By looking for certain signs and taking...
What Is A Biohazard Suit

What Is A Biohazard Suit

One of the most important pieces of equipment for cleaning up biohazards is “personal protective equipment” or PPE. Instead of just one protective piece of clothing, PPE actually refers to a whole host of protective gear including a suit, gloves, self-contained...
Do Suicides Go Up in the Winter Months?

Do Suicides Go Up in the Winter Months?

This month down at the Ahmanson Theater in Los Angeles is a Broadway show called Dear Evan Hanson which talks about suicide and the effects of depression. One of the songs, “Waving at the Window,” describes well the thoughts of someone struggling with whether they...
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