Alan Cohen, Bio SoCal’s founder and CEO, was recently featured in the article, “These Companies Found a New Niche in Coronavirus Disinfection,” for Inc., a magazine for small business owners and entrepreneurs.

While disinfecting Southern California homes and businesses after exposure to an infectious disease has always been one of our specialties here at Bio SoCal, COVID-19 has changed the way we serve our community. Amidst the new landscape of a world coming to grips with the multiple ways COVID-19 has affected all our lives, some of our services have been in greater demand and others have had to be altered.

Calls for biohazard cleaning services have gone up

Since COVID-19 started spreading here in Southern California, our calls for biohazard cleanup services have gone up. For example, we at Bio SoCal have seen the number of suicides sharply rise in recent months as well as a lot more domestic violence and assaults within the home. It is a sad truth that during a pandemic, it can be easier to feel depressed and not see a lot of hope on the other side. Without the community of supportive family and friends compounded with job loss and economic struggles, people can feel desperate without seeing a way out. Then, because people are unable to visit in person and check in on each other, it is taking longer for those who have passed to be discovered. For some, it has taken weeks and by that time, the cleanup of bodily fluids is greater. While it is hard to see so many people in our community hurting, we are dedicated to serving our neighbors by making sure the fluids left behind are thoroughly cleaned up so everyone is safe going forward.

Adjusting our liability disclaimer

While the chemicals we use have been certified as disinfectants for the broader category of coronavirus, they have not yet been certified for this specific type. Information on COVID-19 is continuing to evolve a great deal as we learn more about what this disease does to the human body, how to best treat it, and what disinfectants kill the virus that causes it. Research at the EPA has already begun on what solutions can be certified as a disinfectant for this specific type of coronavirus. All the required testing for such a certification takes a good deal of time, however, before any official certification can be given. For this reason, we have adjusted our liability disclaimer to include this updated information. While we have full confidence the disinfectants we use are fully effective in killing the virus, we want to always be honest and open with our clients about the technical certifications.

We clean for COVID-19 before cleaning any scene

At Bio SoCal, the health of our clients and staff are our number one priority. To that end, we have started every job we have by disinfecting the area for the coronavirus before cleaning and disinfecting for the event in question, crime scenes included. Since we never know who has been in the area recently or if they have been infected with the coronavirus, we are taking this important step to ensure the health and safety of all involved.

Disinfecting Large Businesses

When we have disinfected for diseases such as C. Diff or MRSA in the past, we usually only had a couple of rooms at most to disinfect. Now with COVID-19 affecting those who work in large properties, we are now regularly disinfecting spaces of 40,000 feet or larger. To accomplish this, we are now deploying our staff in teams. The first team in a facility wipes down all surfaces to kill the “biofilm” made up of bacteria and microorganisms. The second team goes through and disinfects all affected areas throughout the property. If the facility is one with electronic controls or a server, we use a dry mist disinfectant instead to protect the equipment. By working this way, we disinfect the entire area as quickly as possible so the staff can get back to work in a safe environment.

Bio SoCal is here to serve you

No matter what your needs are in biohazard cleanup, Bio SoCal is here for you. As the situation develops, we will continue to adapt in ways that ensure your safety and protect all involved.

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