1/4 Mile Homeless Encampment Cleanup in L.A.
This past April we were on scene at a warehouse property in order to clean up the quarter mile long homeless encampment set up along the wash on the edge of the property.

Homeless Encampment Devonshire District

Devonshire PD on Scene

Bridges Made From Pallets

Items Left Behind

6 Dumpsters Full

Cleanout Progress

1/4 Mile Encampment Cleanup
Don’t Clean the Area Yourself
If you have a homeless encampment on your property, do not attempt to clean the area yourself. In addition to urine and feces, there can also be drug paraphernalia, used needles infected with HIV or Hepatitis, and dead animals. Cleaning such an area without the proper protection can be both dangerous to yourself and others.

Call Us for Professional Cleanup
Give us a call at Bio SoCal for professional homeless encampment cleanup. We’ll be happy to give you a free quote and consultation along with suggestions on agencies to help the homeless before the cleanup begins.