What is Biofilm?

What is Biofilm?

What is Biofilm? A biofilm is a hardened layer of germs and microorganisms stuck to a surface. Most people assume you can simply wipe up dirt off a surface and leave behind a clean environment but if a biofilm has formed, then extra scrubbing is needed. Biofilms are...

Cleaning up Biohazards in Palm Springs Heat

Bio SoCal was on scene early one morning last week in Palm Springs to clean up biohazards. While using a crosswalk at 5:30 a.m., a 59-year-old man in a wheelchair was struck and tragically killed in the accident. Though the cause of the crash is unknown, alcohol or...


Bioremediation is the use of either naturally occurring or deliberately introduced microorganisms or other forms of life to consume and break down environmental pollutants, in order to clean up a polluted site. Whether you are dealing with an unattended death, crime,...
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