Contact Us for a Free Estimate & More Information
Call anytime… you won’t get a national dispatch center or a voicemail but rather the owner 24/7. Bio SoCal is locally owned & operated
For more information or to learn about how we can help please contact us at any of the numbers below.
Southern California Counties Served
Los Angeles County
Phone: (310) 773-4599
Riverside County
Phone: (951) 534-5899
San Bernardino County
Phone: (909) 332-5800
Ventura County
Phone: (805) 852-1600
Santa Barbara County
Phone: (805) 852-1600
San Diego County (Parts Of)
Phone: (760) 565-5900
Kern County(Parts of)
Phone: (805) 852-1600
Orange County
Phone: (714) 831-0088
Phone: (949) 424-6299
Bio SoCal Headquarters
31127 Via Colinas, #803
Westlake Village, CA 91361
Regional Office
3500 Tachevah Drive, Suite D
Palm Springs, CA 92262

Biohazard/Crime Scene Cleanup
If you’re looking for a fully licensed biohazard / crime scene cleanup service, then the chances are that you have personally been affected by a serious crime or accident. Bio SoCal are a locally owned and operated biohazard cleanup company which understands the way...
Suicide Clean Up
Of all the serious situations which can lead to bio-cleanup, suicide cleanup is the most deeply unsettling, and emotional for those involved. It is because of all of the sensitive issues surrounding a service like suicide cleanup that Bio SoCal offers our professional...
Biohazard/Suicide Clean up
Whether the site of the suicide involves someone you know and love, or if it is a total stranger, the effect is always deeply distressing and traumatic. As well as the emotional issues at stake, the site also needs to be handled and cleaned as quickly and...
Vehicle Biohazard Cleanup: Auto, Truck, Boat, Aircraft
Bio So Cal is the leading choice for biohazard clean up and decontamination in vehicles. Our industry leading services are available to individuals, auto repair shops, private industry, insurance companies and government agencies such as the FAA and NTSB when looking...
Reliable 24/7 Biohazard Cleanup Company Los Angeles
If you ever have the misfortune of dealing with a biohazard concern, then you’ll know what a difference it can make to receive genuine help from an honest and trustworthy company. Whether you're dealing with a personal situation, helping a friend or family member, or...
Discrete and professional hoarder cleaning services Anaheim
If you ever need to address a hoarding matter, whether it's personal or for a close friend or family member, the last thing you want is for your neighbors to turn things into a spectacle. Hoarding is an extremely personal concern and issue, and it's important that...