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Call anytime… you won’t get a national dispatch center or a voicemail but rather the owner 24/7. Bio SoCal is locally owned & operated
For more information or to learn about how we can help please contact us at any of the numbers below.
Southern California Counties Served
Los Angeles County
Phone: (310) 773-4599
Riverside County
Phone: (951) 534-5899
San Bernardino County
Phone: (909) 332-5800
Ventura County
Phone: (805) 852-1600
Santa Barbara County
Phone: (805) 852-1600
San Diego County (Parts Of)
Phone: (760) 565-5900
Kern County(Parts of)
Phone: (805) 852-1600
Orange County
Phone: (714) 831-0088
Phone: (949) 424-6299
Bio SoCal Headquarters
31127 Via Colinas, #803
Westlake Village, CA 91361
Regional Office
3500 Tachevah Drive, Suite D
Palm Springs, CA 92262

Yucca Valley, CA Murder-Suicide
Bio SoCal Helps Family After Murder-Suicide in Yucca Valley Bio SoCal's Riverside County crew was recently on scene helping a family through a difficult time after a murder-suicide took place in Yucca Valley, CA. Trauma scenes like this always create more questions...
Dead Body found near Palm Springs
Bio SoCal's crew was recently on scene for blood cleanup after a dead body was found near Palm Springs early on a Thursday morning. In an enclosed area beside a dumpster, a 33 year-old man from Blythe, California was found dead early in the morning between an office...
Death Cleanup in a Huntington Beach Apartment
Last month, Bio SoCal responded to a tragic crime scene in a Huntington Beach, California, apartment that resulted in the death cleanup after a homicide of a young woman. Although never an easy task, we are honored that we could help by providing crime scene cleanup...
Woodland Hills Sets New Heat Record
The hottest weather ever recorded in Woodland Hills at a national weather station took place just a few short weeks ago. At 121 degrees, the sweltering heat from the sun drains our bodies of energy and puts them at dangerous risk of not being able to cool themselves....
Hazmat Cleaning vs. Biohazard Cleaning
Most people don’t think about the work biohazard cleaners and hazmat cleaners do every day. We read the news stories and may even see occasional references to a cleaning company involved in remediating the property but we don’t stop to think about the actual cleaning...
Electrostatic Disinfection Cleaning
When cleaning items infected with infectious diseases, blood and other bodily fluids, it is vital every small amount of fluid is removed and the surface thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. This is easy enough to do if the biohazard is on one flat surface, but this is...