Neighbors noticing a foul smell is often one of the ways the body of a deceased person is discovered. Unmistakable and overpowering, the odor a dead body produces is made up of the gases formed as a body decomposes. For most people, the smell is extremely unpleasant but is only harmful under certain conditions.

Understanding the Source

As a body breaks down and undergoes changes, bacteria and other microorganisms inside the body start digesting tissues. As they do so, these organisms release various gases including methane, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide, that build up inside the cavities until the gas finds its way outside. As proteins in the body break down, other chemicals form including cadaverine and putrescine. These chemicals are primarily responsible for the foul odor with the gases also contributing.

If a body is left to decompose inside a building such as a home or apartment, the foul odor will permeate every porous object around the body including walls, fabric, wood, and carpet. Without proper treatment and cleaning, even after the body is removed, this odor is difficult to eliminate and will need professional and permanent odor removal before the space is safe for others to occupy.

Health dangers from the smell of a dead body

Like many foul smells, the odor produced by a decaying body is extremely unpleasant but is it unhealthy? In most situations, the gases produced by decay are not inherently harmful. However, if people are exposed to the chemicals and gases in a poorly ventilated space, especially for a long period of time, the odor can cause respiratory irritation. Symptoms of over exposure can also include dizziness, irritation to the eyes, nose, and throat, headaches, and nausea. For anyone with pre-existing respiratory conditions, such as asthma, such gases can be especially harmful.

In addition to the smell of a decaying body, the person who initially discovers the death may also be exposed to other biohazards including blood and body fluids that contain bloodborne pathogens in addition to dangerous viruses and bacteria. Such materials should only be dealt with by professional biohazard cleaning company. If someone is at the property and discovers the death of a person, they should not touch anything in the area but instead, they should block off the entire affected property and call the police immediately.

Safe and effective odor removal

When a body is discovered, the police should be called immediately. Once they have completed their investigation and the coroner has removed the body, biohazard cleanup technicians are able to come and thoroughly decontaminate the area so it is safe to occupy. Do not attempt to clean the space yourself or simply air out the property. Air fresheners and open windows will not solve the problem as the chemicals are embedded in the environment and need professional odor removal services to permanently remove the smell.

Our team at Bio SoCal uses an ozone machine to break down odor-causing molecules, thereby neutralizing and permanently removing the odor. If blood and body fluids are present, we will also meticulously remove all infected materials and legally dispose of them as medical waste before thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting the property, restoring it to an odor-free and safe condition.

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