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Call anytime… you won’t get a national dispatch center or a voicemail but rather the owner 24/7. Bio SoCal is locally owned & operated
For more information or to learn about how we can help please contact us at any of the numbers below.
Southern California Counties Served
Los Angeles County
Phone: (310) 773-4599
Riverside County
Phone: (951) 534-5899
San Bernardino County
Phone: (909) 332-5800
Ventura County
Phone: (805) 852-1600
Santa Barbara County
Phone: (805) 852-1600
San Diego County (Parts Of)
Phone: (760) 565-5900
Kern County(Parts of)
Phone: (805) 852-1600
Orange County
Phone: (714) 831-0088
Phone: (949) 424-6299
Bio SoCal Headquarters
31127 Via Colinas, #803
Westlake Village, CA 91361
Regional Office
3500 Tachevah Drive, Suite D
Palm Springs, CA 92262

Three Bodies Found in Irvine Home
Bio SoCal was on the scene in Irvine, California to clean up after a suspected murder-suicide at a private residence. After family members in Canada were unable to contact their relatives in Irvine, California, for over a year, Canadian authorities contacted Irvine...
Bio SoCal Cleans Parking Lot After Stabbing
Bio SoCal's crew was out early Friday morning to quickly clean up blood from the scene at the Jack In The Box restaurant in Ventura, California after a man was stabbed outside in the parking lot. Located on S. Victoria Avenue in Ventura, police were called to the...
Motorcyclist Killed in Palm Desert
Bio SoCal is here for biohazard cleanup after roadway accidents throughout Palm Desert and the wider Southern California area. Bio SoCal recently handled the accident cleanup in Palm Desert when a motorcycle collided with a vehicle at the intersection of Washington...
Man Found Dead Inside Building in Carson
Bio SoCal was recently called upon to help a business in Carson, California for blood cleanup after a man was found dead inside a Carson building. The most important thing we can do as a company is to mitigate emotional and physical trauma for businesses and property...
Suicide Prevention Month
Suicide Prevention Month This month of September is Suicide Prevention Month. First declared back in 2008 by the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Suicide Prevention Month is to promote suicide awareness, to acknowledge the loss of our loved ones to suicide, and to...
Suicide Hotline Number 988 Is Now Live
A long-awaited mental health hotline (9-8-8) is now live and available to call 24/7 with an easy number to remember similar to the long-standing emergency line of 9-1-1. If you are suffering a mental health crisis or are suicidal, you can immediately reach a licensed...