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Call anytime… you won’t get a national dispatch center or a voicemail but rather the owner 24/7. Bio SoCal is locally owned & operated
For more information or to learn about how we can help please contact us at any of the numbers below.
Southern California Counties Served
Los Angeles County
Phone: (310) 773-4599
Riverside County
Phone: (951) 534-5899
San Bernardino County
Phone: (909) 332-5800
Ventura County
Phone: (805) 852-1600
Santa Barbara County
Phone: (805) 852-1600
San Diego County (Parts Of)
Phone: (760) 565-5900
Kern County(Parts of)
Phone: (805) 852-1600
Orange County
Phone: (714) 831-0088
Phone: (949) 424-6299
Bio SoCal Headquarters
31127 Via Colinas, #803
Westlake Village, CA 91361
Regional Office
3500 Tachevah Drive, Suite D
Palm Springs, CA 92262

Oxford High Mass Shooting Cleanup
Bio SoCal is one of the leading biohazard cleanup experts for mass casualty cleanup around the country. Recently, the Detroit News spoke with Bio SoCal's CEO, Alan Cohen, regarding the Oxford High School shooting. The shooting, which took place on November 30, 2021,...
Murder Cleanup After The Stabbing of Rapper Drakeo The Ruler
Bio SoCal was backstage in Exposition Park after the Once Upon a Time in L.A. festival concert cleaning up after the stabbing and subsequent death of Drakeo the Ruler. Stabbing of Drakeo the Ruler While Drakeo the Ruler, a 28-year-old rapper whose real name was...
What Does a Dead Body Look Like After One Year?
Around the world, archeologists discover burials where the body has deteriorated to varying degrees. Based on the remains of the body, usually just bones and teeth by the time the graves are discovered, archeologists can tell a lot about the person: age, gender,...
Young Dolph Rapper Shot and Killed
There are times when the crime scene cleanup work we do is quickly cleaned up and we don’t hear more about those involved. There are other times, however, when our work is part of a larger story and word gets back to us about what later happened to the victims. In...
Bio SoCal Saves a Man’s Life on the Freeway
Our team at Bio SoCal are passionate not only about cleaning up biohazards throughout Southern California after crimes, accidents, or when people pass away, but also about saving people still living whenever possible. Just last week, Bio SoCal's crew were honored to...
Cleaning Up After A Homicide in Anaheim
Our crew was recently on the scene after a police-involved shooting in Anaheim to clean the blood and body fluids from the scene and restore safety to the Anaheim community. Officer involved shooting in Anaheim In the late morning of August 31st, Anaheim police...