Types of Hoarding
There are many types of hoarding and they all have one thing in common- the over abundance and accumulation of too much stuff.

Trash & Garbage (Syllogomania)

Collection Hoarding

Recycling Hoarders

Information/Books/Periodical Hoarding (Bibliomania)

Shopping Hoarder

Food Hoarding

Animal Hoarding
A person that acquires more animals than they can properly care for end up in an animal hoarding situation.
We’re Ready to Make Your Place the Cleanest It’s Ever Been
Many people are hesitant to call for an estimate or cleanup of a hoarding scenario because they believe the process will be stressful, lengthy, and too expensive or they are embarrassed. We work with this in mind. Our priority is to make each one of our clients as comfortable as possible. We understand your situation.
Southern California Counties Served
Los Angeles County
Phone: (310) 773-4599
Riverside County
Phone: (951) 534-5899
Phone: (760) 565-5900
San Bernardino County
Phone: (909) 332-5800
Ventura County
Phone: (805) 852-1600
Orange County
Phone: (714) 831-0088
Phone: (949) 424-6299
Santa Barbara County
Phone: (805) 852-1600
Kern County(Parts of)
Phone: (805) 852-1600
San Diego County (Parts Of)
Phone: (760) 565-5900
100% of Bio SoCal’s business is Biohazard Cleanup and Hoarding Remediation as opposed to competitors and restoration companies that focus on smoke, fire, mold, and water and do very little biohazard remediation and decontamination but bid on work as “filler” without the proper training or experience.
Bio SoCal is proud to take care of biohazard situations that require the most extreme professionalism and discretion. Here at Bio SoCal We understand that a biohazard cleaining situation, no matter the size, can be an overwhelming situation that many have never had to deal with. Untreated biohazard situations can get worse and pose dangerous biological hazards if not taken care of properly by a licensed, insured, and well vetted company.